Monday, September 14, 2015

Do You Know Who You Really Are

So I have been watching more YouTube channels lately and I have subscribed to a couple of new ones.

Well, they are not new at making Youtube videos. Some have been doing it for almost 10 years. 

10 years of making short videos for a living! Amazing!

Something struck me the other day when one of them was having a hard time in life right now. Among other things, identity crisis was one of the reasons given.

It is hard enough to be at an age where you don't know what you want to be or how you're going to portray yourself to the world. I think it is even harder for someone from a minority ethnicity to be living in an environment where there is definitely going to be a clash of cultures.

Which brings me to something that I've always thought of for my own kids. 

How much Asian do they want to be in a Western world?
How much of a Bidayuh do they want to be in Australian society?

I used to think that Asian kids born into a Western society will be able to adapt themselves easily simply because they know no other way of life. 

But after watching and reading more on the struggles of these Asian youngsters living in the Western society, I may have to rethink of my way in approaching the issues that my kids will face in the future. 

The struggle is real, people!

Do you have similar experiences growing up? Or having one right now?