Thursday, November 20, 2014

My Social Media Management Experiment : Klout

When I started this blog, I had hope that it will be something that I will be proud of. Blogging is a way for me to put myself out there, a means for me to throw my thoughts and opinions far and wide  and eventually gain new acquaintances.

Being married to someone who is digital savvy, I was posed with the question : how are you going to promote yourself and your blog?

So not too long ago I was introduced with the term Social Media Management. Well, initially I had trouble with my tweets every time I had a new blog update. I would use up all the character spaces before I could put all the necessary details because copying and pasting the link of my new blog post took up too much space.

Nothing such as a link shortener couldn't fix.

But at the same time, I came across websites that works like Google Reader and after a couple of days searching for more information, I was introduced to websites that helps someone manage their social media presence.

Klout is one of many and I decided to try it for at least a week. So I am going to share with you my experience of using Klout.

This is the Overview. I think it looks clean and tidy. Easy enough to navigate.

This is the Create page. The great thing about Klout is that it pools articles or interesting contents in one single page for you to sift through and share with your followers. You could share on Twitter or Facebook profile. I am currently sharing on Twitter only as Klout does not share on Facebook pages at the moment. But I have set my Twitter to share on my Facebook page,so whatever I share on Twitter will make its way to my Facebook page as well.

With the content, you can choose what type of contents you want to receive. On the right side of the screen, you can edit the type of content you want to receive.

The topics are many and you can choose up to 11.

With Klout, you can schedule your posts. That way, you can still maintain your online presence by sharing contents while you're away from your computer.

On this page you can check your Klout score. The score is a measurement of your overall online presence. I guess this depends on how many people click and view the content that you shared. So the more people click those shortened urls, the more points you'll get I guess. But it does not mean that that is the only way to get more points in your score. If you read the help section, they have a much more detailed explanation on how the score can go up and down based on your social media engagement across different channels.

Now what do you do with your Klout score? You can get Klout perks which are exclusive products or experiences you can get based on your influence. Is it important to get perks? Urmm, not to me. I don't go after this type of perks. I think I have enough real life based perks that I'm after at the moment.

When I click on my profile photo in Overview, this is where I'll be directed to.

For my first content sharing using Klout, I've chosen an article as shown above. I've set it to publish on my twitter account.

So this is how it looks like once the content from Klout has been published. Note that there is no inline photo in my tweet. Does it bother me? Not really.

And because I've set my tweets to be published on my Facebook page as well, you can see here that my page has been updated with the content shared using Klout. 

Over the next fews weeks or so, I'll be sharing contents using different types of social media management websites. Who knows maybe I'll stick to one that I really like.

What I like about having only one platform to use to share online contents is that I don't have to open up many applications at the same time. But it does not solve all my problems because currently not all of them can share contents over various different types of social media sites.

Join me next time as I share my experiences using a different social media management website.


Monday, November 10, 2014

How to Exercise Your Face

Do you want to have a sculpted face?

Or perhaps you want to tone the muscles on your face?

I found some cool tips on how to exercise your face in the Better Homes and Gardens (August 2013) magazine.

I'm not sure if my face will look years younger after doing the exercises but there is no harm in doing it.

Have you ever done facial exercise before?

Monday, November 3, 2014

Family-Friendly Places : Boneo Maze and Wetlands Centre

Boneo Maze and Wetlands Centre is one of the many family-friendly places that I've been to. Located at Mornington Peninsula, it is an almost one hour drive from the CBD.

The last time I was there was in the summer of 2012 and I think it was a lovely place to take kids for a short getaway. I do believe there have been more attractions being built since the last time I was there, such as the Adventure Zone.

Front entrance

If you enjoy walking inside a maze

Insects and plants are plentiful 

Don't be surprised by the artificial living beings there

Of course you can do some bird watching there

And they do have random signboards all over the place

Ha ha!

Yes people, do not disturb the trees!

Please refer to the next photo...

Mushroom village

More mushroom villages

Live sized chess set
