Friday, February 13, 2015

A Cup of Flat White

Since this is my first entry of the year, I thought I would start with an easy going post. 

I have always been a tea lover for as long as I could remember. I don't drink coffee because of a long standing belief of my elders that drinking coffee will make my nose bleed, because random nose bleed has always been my affliction since I was small.

When I was in pre-Uni, I tried drinking instant coffee. After a week of drinking it every morning, I stopped because it was causing me migraine every time after consuming it.

So that was it, and I never thought of having another cup again until last year when I walked past a coffee shop and the whiff of coffee was too irresistible. 

After some intense reading and research, we decided to buy a coffee machine and make our own coffee at home. That will definitely be a future blog post :)

Today I want to talk about flat white, which is a coffee beverage invented in Australia in the 1970s. For a more detailed description and origin of flat white, please visit this wikipedia entry and SecondCup does a very good job at graphic explanation of the differences between a flat white and other types of coffee beverages.

My cup of flat white

I have had two cups of flat white at the same cafe on two separate occasions and I think my first cup tasted much better than the second one. I don't particularly like it because even though I put sugar in it, the flavour was too strong for my liking. I definitely prefer my coffee sweet and with lots of milk and froth. 


Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.



  1. Heyy, I have just came across your blog, I would like to try tea sometime, I'm more of a coffee person
    I would really appreciate if you checked out my blog

    1. Thanks for stopping by and you have an interesting blog there :)
