Monday, September 15, 2014

Be Original

I like watching tv shows.

I also like watching movies.

I love music.

As a mean of escapism, these 3 elements have been a big influence in my life so far.

I grew up watching many memorable tv shows, great movies and just superb music.

But of late, I sort of realised that a lot of the tv shows are not as good as it used to be.

I'm not sure if it is because I have grown a lot older and has a little bit of OCD when it comes to the stuff that I would watch on tv. Or maybe the genres have evolved so much and I am clinging oh so dearly to the tv shows of years gone by.

Maybe both?

Movies are the biggest offender in my opinion.

Do we lack imaginative, passionate script writers to churn out original stories to be made into movies?

Time and time again the movie production companies have come up with movies that are based on story books and comic books.

And then you have all the sequel, prequel and all the in betweens movies that supposedly should have occurred.

Sure, it brings big bucks to the companies.

Fans of the story books and comic books sure are happy that their favourite characters are being brought to life.

I don't know how much longer I can watch these type of movies.

I confess.. I am guilty too.. I am a fan of the Twilight series.

But it stops there.


So maybe in the not so near future, I'll stop watching movies altogether.

I can't say the same about tv shows though.

Or maybe if I get annoyed enough I will just do that.

Or maybe I'll just turn the tv off.

Or maybe I'll make my own movie.

The only original movie script that I can think of while ranting now is Sharknado.

Do you have a favourite movie that is not based on any living or fictional book characters?


1 comment:

  1. I'm not too much into movies either, so I'd need to think about this. But, yeah, movies and TV are sooo boring. It's all the same stuff simply rehashed. Nothing is original any more. Sigh.
