Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September Highlights

It is the second week of the school holidays and also the last day of September. Looking back I've only written 4 posts this month which is much less than I would like. 

I am hoping that I will be able to write more in the coming month of October. So for the time being, let me take you back to the posts that I've written in September.

1. The Day I Left My Shopping at the Supermarket : if you left your shopping at the supermarket, do you feel embarrassed to ask for it back?

2. My Playgroup Adventures : why I kept going from one playgroup to another

3.  Pastel Coloured Sweetness : a song with a message

4. Be Original : I may not watch tv shows anymore...but not in the very near future :)

Enjoy your last day of September and watch out for more posts to come!

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