Monday, October 6, 2014

Being Grateful

I am grateful that I have a roof over my head.

I am grateful that I have good health.

I am grateful that my family members are healthy.

I am grateful that I live in a peaceful community.

Being grateful is an easy thing to do. As well as being thankful and appreciative.

Too many times have I heard of people complaining of things that happened or did not happen in their lives.

I believe we should live in the moment and take time to appreciate people around us.

Gratitude will put things into perspective. Always complaining about life but not taking pro-active measures to improve is not a positive thing to do.

A gratitude journal or list is a good way to start. It really puts things in perspective as it focuses on your accomplishments in life.

Never think that you have not achieved anything in life to be grateful for.

Waking up in the morning to face a brand new day is in itself an achievement.

I am grateful that I still have this life to live.


  1. This is so true, we often forget to be grateful for these things.

  2. We should take time and appreciate what we have more

    1. Yes, and we will never run out of time to appreciate things in life :)

  3. An eye opening blog. Very true. :)

    sakshi |

    1. Thank you.

      Beautiful poem you have in your latest blog post :)
