Saturday, July 26, 2014

BLOG-OLAN: The Beginning

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I started to blog many years ago and back then it was mostly about random stuff.

I had a couple of blog sites. I would maintain one site for a couple of months, only to deactivate it later due to lack of time to keep the posts coming.

I also think that I wasn't focused on writing. There was no sense of direction or a goal to achieve. Blogging was just an activity for the days when I had nothing else to do. 

There was no concerted effort.

I used to follow other blogs written by friends or just random people, talking in minute detail about their daily life and experiences.

I tried to go in that direction but I felt a lack of passion in documenting my daily life.

I am not against people who document their days in their blog like writing in a diary or journal. 

I just think that direction isn't for me.

This time around, I have put in more effort into my writing and a focus for my blog.

And I am more passionate about my blog this time around!

I hope you'll enjoy reading my blog, as much as I enjoy writing them ;)

Determined look
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