Tuesday, July 15, 2014

School Holiday Mania

I have been away from blogging for 2 weeks and I have the perfect reason for it.


At first I thought I could do more writing and planning on my topics during the school holidays because:

  • since the kinder-going-kid is at home and I don't have to be out and about so I will have more time at home and do my planning
  • kids can entertain each other and can play with each other thus leaving me alone to do my thinking and planning
  • kids won't bug me as much because it is the school holidays (I know,very naive thought!)

How wrong was I! Not only did they bug me all the time, I couldn't keep up with my daily chores because they bug me much much more compared to non-school holidays time.

I have to entertain them all the time. Even with all the toys and crafting supplies that I have stashed in my drawer, they would complain (more whining and whinging actually) about their daily activities.

Oh yes, I appreciate that I don't have to wake up early and make the lunch box (I still have to wake up early and prepare lunch for the hubby!),but I do feel that I have more things to do when the kinder-going-kid was at home.

The first few days of the school holidays were mostly spent indoors because the weather was horrendous. We managed to make a trip to the Carribbean Gardens for their monthly baby,kids and maternity market. We managed to buy a couple of things and also the much needed play time at the playground.

Not wanting a repeat of the dreadful first week, I decided that I would look for free school holidays activities nearby. 

Monday: Charlie and Lola, Stud Park

Kids love these two characters. I think they are all right. Show ran for about 25 minutes. Children well behaved for the first 10 minutes. After that, some were distracted by all sorts of things going on around them and in the end they were unruly.

Tuesday: Peppa Pig, The Glen

Much much beloved characters among the kids (and parents!). I confess, I did sing to their songs as well! We actually came for the first show of the day, came 30 minutes early and when we reached the stage, it was jam packed!! So we went to the shops first, and came back for the second show,which was also jam packed but as least we got front row seat. Kids (and parents) well behaved for the first 10 minutes, and yes after that they were just unruly.

Wednesday : Beanie Crafting, Springvale Homemaker Centre

I did not take any pictures because there were none to take. We arrived, seated and started to decorate winter benies with stickers and markers. We were there for less than 30 minutes,but it entertained my daughter.

Thursday : Mad Hatter (Illusion and tricks show), Dandenong Library

I enjoyed the show,but the daughter wasn't too impressed. She was enjoying it for the first 15 minutes, then she was just deeply distracted by the people coming and going so we left before the show ended. Nevertheless, it was a very good show organised by the library. Yes, it went unruly by the time we left but it was mostly done by parent/s who shoved themself/ves and their kids to the front or middle of already seated audience. 

By friday, I was exhausted with all the activities, so I decided to just stay home. It was mostly motivated by how much chores had piled up, urghhh.

So I hope you had a wonderful 2 weeks as well.




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