Monday, July 28, 2014

WHO-SAID-WHAT? - If Only You Could Find Out From Google...

Do you know that the internet is full of wonderful things?

Gone are the days when you have to buy printed publications to get up-to-date news or info. 

Want to catch up with last week's episode of Dr. Who?

You can stream it online.

How about movies?

You can download it.

Now, please imagine this... 

Someone close to me said that they are going on a tour to Turkey, and didn't know what to expect in regards to the destinations during the tour or the hotel where they are going to stay at.

I wasn't entirely surprised when I was asked if I could find out from Google about the trip.

First and foremost, internet connection isn't a problem for them. And they do own a laptop for the purpose of internet research.

It is just that they do not know where to start their research.

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So off I went, punching strings of relevant words.

Less than 5 minutes later, I found maps, reviews, articles and pictures of what they were asking me to find.

You see people, do not fear the internet.

You could find almost anything just by typing a few simple key words into any search engine of your liking.

I learned how to cook foreign recipes from Mr. Google.

I also get to see how other people cook from Miss YouTube.

And it is never restricted.

In other words, the internet is your oyster.

So, go ahead and use more of the internet to increase your knowledge.

Even if it means you could follow / stalk someone like a detective would. 

I know I did :) . But I can assure you that it was for a good cause.

Just remember to do good with what you got from the internet.


 Pixabay Image
Tree of apps.
Pixabay Image


History of the Internet. (2014, July 4). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 01:26, July 28, 2014, from

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