Monday, August 4, 2014

BLOG-OLAN : The Name

I spent a coupe of months thinking of what kind of blog I was going to build.

Image source Pixabay

Having spent countless hours reading blogs of others, I was still unsure of the name or the direction that I wanted to take.

I could just pick a topic and write on that throughout the life of the blog. But that would mean limiting stories that I could tell. You get to be more focus in your writing though. 

In the end, I decided to write about stuff that brings about the feelings of positivity, pleasantness and at times peculiar. These are also the things that I look for in other blogs that I read.

So here at ThreePV, expect positive, pleasant and sometimes peculiar stuff being churned out by yours truly. 

Hope you'll enjoy reading them as much as it excites me just thinking about all the things that I want to write about in the future!

Image source Pixabay


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