Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Comfort Food - Egg Roll Biscuits

Growing up I loved eating egg roll biscuit.

Do you know what egg roll biscuit is?

It is usually very thin and crispy.

It is commonly rolled up or sometimes folded into a quarter shape.

My father's late aunt was very skilful in making egg roll biscuits.

In fact, her egg rolls were the best that I've ever eaten in my whole life, and I don't think there will ever be any other commercial brand that could ever surpasses hers.

During a trip to the asian grocery shop a couple of weeks back, I found a type of egg roll biscuits that looks just like the one that I'm familiar with.

The taste is almost the same but it is not as thin as I would like it to be.

Nevertheless, eating one after a very long time brings back many memories of my adolescence years.

Do you have any comfort food that you long for?


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