Sunday, June 1, 2014

Kuching and Gawai Dayak Celebration

Hi everyone. It is good to be back blogging after many uninspired years. So I thought for my first post I would talk about the place where I come from.

I come from Kuching, the capital and the most populous city in the state of Sarawak in Malaysia. The word 'kuching' means cat in Malay, but the city was actually named after a tidal stream called Sungai Kuching.

Kuching is home to more than 30 different ethnic groups and I am very proud to say that I could speak in 5 different local languages.

As a Bidayuh lass, I used to celebrate Gawai Dayak when I was back in my hometown. Gawai Dayak is celebrated on 1st and 2nd June every year as both a religious and social occasion. It is a thanksgiving day marking a bountiful harvest with friends and family members would gather.

As I've been away from Kuching for the last 4 years, I have not been able to celebrate Gawai in a traditional way. But in the spirit of celebration and new beginnings, I hope my first post on Gawai this year will usher many more opportunities for me to blog and share about my adventures (and misadventures) in life.

Tara,tara,tara,tara,tara,uuuuuuhhhaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! *glass clinking*

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